William Vickrey was a man of unsurpassed intelligence.
Mireya Moscoso was the first Female President of Panama, and of the ‘Arnulfista Party’, a leading Panamanian political organization.
Mariah Carey is a famous singer, songwriter, record producer, actress and philanthropist.
Howard Florey was an eminent Australian pathologist who is credited for making penicillin available to the world.
Geoffrey Chaucer was the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages, much renowned for his work “The Canterbury Tales”.
Edward Gorey was an American writer and artist.
Burt Reynolds is an American actor, director and a voice artist.
Audrey Tautou is a French actress and model best known for her critically acclaimed performance in the film ‘Amelie’.
Alex Grey is a New Age artist specializing in spiritual and psychedelic art.